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Showing posts with label MIRACLE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MIRACLE. Show all posts

Monday, August 24, 2020


August 24, 2020 0
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 1. In general, the financial year shall be from * 



 1. In general, the financial year shall be from * 


   A. 1st April of any year


 B. 31st March of any year


 C. All of them are true


 D. None of these




2. Which menu appears after starting Miracle for the first time? *


 A. M-Desktop


 B. Company List


 C. Company Info


 D. None of these




3. Which option is used to take the company's backup into the pen drive? *


 A. Backup


 B. Restore


 C. Data Export


 D. Copy Data




4. Which menu is used to create new ledgers, groups, and products in Miracle? *


 A. Report


 B. Import


 C. Transaction


 D. Master




5. Salary Account comes under which head *


 A. Income


 B. Fixed Assets


 C. Duties & Taxes


 D. Expense Account




6. Which ledger is created automatically as soon as we create a new company? *


 A. Cash Account


 B. Profit & Loss A/c


 C. Stock in Hand


 D. All of above




7. Which voucher type is used to transfer the amount from one bank to another? *


 A. Contra


 B. Payment


 C. Receipt


 D. Post-Dated




8. Rs. 50,000 withdrawn from the bank. In which voucher type this transaction will


be recorded? *


 A. Payment


 B. Receipt


 C. Contra


 D. Post-Dated




9. Where do we record transactions of salary, rent, or interest paid? *


 A. Contra


 B. Stock Journal


 C. Receipt


 D. Payment




10. Which option is true for viewing Profit & Loss Statement? *


 A. Report> Balance sheet> Profit & Loss Statement


 B. Utility>Year-end> Profit & Loss Statement


 C. Report> Account Books > Profit & Loss Statement


 D. None of these








11. Which step is followed to view Purchase Register? *


 A. Transaction > Purchase Entry > Purchase Register


 B. Report > Outstanding > Purchase Register


 C. Report > Register > Purchase Register


 D. None of these




12. From which menu, we can see the Balance Sheet option? *


A. Transaction


B. Report


C. Setup


D. Utility




13. Which option is used to view Product Ledger? *


A. Purchase Register


B. Stock Report


C. Analysis Report


D. Account Books




14. Company Restore option is available in *


A. Company List > Utility


B. Company List > Year


C. Company List > Advance. Option


D. None of these




15. "Alias" represents *


A. Short name


B. Nickname


C. Code name


D. All of these




16. Account statement can be displayed in format(s). *


A. Horizontal


B. Vertical


C. A or B


D. None of the above




17. A 'credit note' is sent by           to          *


A. Seller, buyer


B. Buyer, seller


C. Customer, seller


D. Creditor, seller




18. Sales return are recorded in Voucher *


A. Bank Receipt Entry


B. Purchase Entry


C. Sales Entry


D. Sales Return Entry




19. Bank account is *


A. Personal account


B. Real account


C. Nominal account


D. Intangible real account




20. Taxes paid comes under which group *


A. Capital


B. Loans and liabilities


C. Direct expenses


D. Duties and taxes




21. Capital Account comes under which group *


A. Capital account


B. Current Assets


C. Loans & Advances (Asset)


D. Current Liabilities




22. The shortcut used to activate the Calculator is *


A. F9


B. F1


C. F3


D. F5




23. We can delete a voucher using *


A. Alt + Y


B. Ctrl + Y


C. Shift + Y


D. Ctrl + Shift + Y




24. Which shortcut key is used to take print? *




A. Ctrl + P


B. Shift + P


C. Alt + P


D. Alt + Shift + P




25. Which shortcut key is used to see Company Details? *


A. Ctrl + 0


B. Ctrl + P


C. Ctrl + D


D. None of above




26. Who is the Father of Accounting? *


A. The Divine Augustus


B. Leonardo Da Vinci


C. Luca Pacioli


D. None of above




27. The main type of account is *


A. Personal Account


B. Real Account


C. Nominal Account


D. All of above




28. How many companies can be created in Miracle? *




B. 999


C. 9999


D. 99999




29. Which shortcut key is used to create a new Account/Product in the master


menu? *


A. F2


B. F3


C. F9


D. Insert




30. Which shortcut key is used to Copy Voucher? *


A. Ctrl + V


B. Ctrl + C


C. Ctrl + A


D. Ctrl + S





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