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Showing posts with label Meaning of financial management. Show all posts

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Financial Management :Definition of Financial Management, Meaning , objective , Nature of Financial Management and Risk- Return Trade off 

June 20, 2020 0

Definition of financial management ppt

Definition of Financial Management
Definition by Solomon: “It is concerned with the efficient use of an important economic resource namely, capital funds”.
Definition by S.C. Kuchal: “Financial Management deals with procurement of funds and their effective utilization in the business”. 
Howard and Upton: Financial management “as an application of general managerial principles to the area of financial decision-making.
Financial Decisions in Firm 
• Basic questions that needs to be addressed before starting a new business(Page 3, TB) 
Financial Management-Core areas of Decision Making 6 TB 
Meaning: It is a term which denotes the maximum profits to be earned by an organisation in a given period of a time.
It also implies that the investment, financing and dividend decisions of the enterprise should be oriented to profit maximisation. 
Profit Maximisation-Merits and demerits
✓Best Criterion for decision making 
✓Efficient allocation of resources ✓Optimum Utilisation of resources Demerits:
✓Ignores time value of money 
✓A vague concept
✓It ignores risk factor 
✓It may tempt to make such decisions which may prove disastrous in long term 
✓Emphasis on short term projects 
✓Unrealistic, difficult, inappropriate and Immoral  

Objective: To Maximise the market value of firm’s shares 
Considers the timing and risk of expected benefits  
Wealth Maximisation-Merits and demerits
It takes care of:
Shareholder’s Interests, Lender or Creditor’s Interests, Employee’s Interests etc
It also ensures fair return to the shareholders, building up reserves for growth and expansion and ensuring financial discipline in organisation.  
Focus on long term 
Takes into account time value of money
It considers risk 
It maintains market value of shares 
It recognizes the value of regular dividend payment 
Treasurer and Controller
Obtaining Finance
Banking Relationship
Cash Management
Credit Administration 
Capital Budgeting Controller
Financial Accounting 
Internal Auditing
Cost & Management Accounting 
• Data Processing
Nature of Financial Management
It is a continuous activity 
It is related to all the departments of organisation
(ex. Marketing, HR, accounting etc.)
There are three core areas of FM
Capital structure decision making, capital budgeting and working capital management 
Primary two objectives: Profit Maximisation and Wealth Maximisation 
 Risk- Return Trade off
Risk- Return Trade off- Continued
The Risk can further be measured by Beta (Sensitivity) and Standard deviation (Volatility) of Shares. 
Higher the SD and Beta, Higher are the chances of return from the security 
Emerging Role of Financial Manager in India 
Due to various changes being undertaken in financial environment of the country, the keys challenge areas of financial manager are increasing as below:
1) Merger, Acquisition and Restructuring
2) Performance Management
3) Risk Management
4) Investors Relations
5) Portfolio Management

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